Beware, home automation will remain in your walls for a lifetime
Does home automation inspire your curiosity?
You have already heard about it without knowing exactly what it consists of?
This short article gives you some keys to understand the interests of home automation and those of home automation vendors. What are the right questions to ask yourself in order to move to the housing of tomorrow? What are the right questions to ask to Batibouw?
Home automation can be integrated in existing buildings or in new constructions.
It brings comfort and security. Home automation is the real-time management of all the technologies present in a building. An installation allows useful automatisms: the extinction of your lamps according to the luminosity, the seasons, the simulation of presence, the closing of the shutters in case of fire or on the contrary their opening to allow to escape…
Home automation is also regulating your heating, measuring your energy consumption (water, gas, electricity, oil) and therefore allows you to make significant savings.
In order to benefit from varied and unlimited functionalities, open systems are highly recommended. The KNX standard is a worldwide standard. Therefore, it offers the freedom to choose each of the home automation components without being limited to one brand. In order to build customer loyalty, many companies choose to offer a closed system that prevents any intervention on your installation in the future if the company decides to change technology or if it disappears. The plural interest of home automation is in contradiction with the search for loyalty of home automation salesmen. Be careful at Batibouw, those who want to infiltrate your walls want to stay there!